Server Commands

fg help

lists all commands, the result may differ depends on which side the command was triggered (client,server)

fg version

returns current version of fiveguard

Manage Bans Commands

fg reload

reloads ban list (get new banlist from bans.json file)

fg ban [PlayerId] [reason]

bans specific Player with specified reason

fg unban [BanId]

unban specific Ban Id

fg check [BanId]

prints out into console information about specific ban

fg offlineban [Player Identifier] [reason]

bans specific identifier of player, example: fg offlineban steam:111111f000 failrp

Manage Permissions Commands

fg perm [set or remove] [identifier or PlayerId_identifier] [category] [permission or *] [allow or deny]

sets permission for specific player or identifer

fg perm command is only for Alternative Permissions

Manage Entities Commands

fg logs obj record [start/stop/status/save/clear]

fg logs [obj/exp/ptfx/dmg/delobj]

Logs (prints out in server console, to disable command just type the same command again)

fg clearveh

Clears all vehicles known to server-side

fg clearped

Clears all peds known to server-side

fg clearobj

Clears all objects known to server-side

Safe Events Commands

fg safe-events install [optional > resourceName]

Install safe-events files to resource/s (required to make auto safe-events works)

fg safe-events uninstall [optional > resourceName]

Uninstall safe-events files from resource/s

Objects AI Detection Commands

fg objects-ai install [optional > resourceName]

Install objects-ai files to resource/s (required to make objects ai detection works)

fg objects-ai uninstall [optional > resourceName]

Uninstall objects-ai files from resource/s

Last updated